Hornets Ruining Your Outdoor Fun? 3 Tips To Get Rid Of Them

Bugs are everywhere during the warm weather months. Some you may not notice at all, but there are others that you're going to notice when they're buzzing around your head. This is especially true of hornets. Hornets can be a bit scary, especially if you've gotten too close to their nest. Hornets can buzz near you as a warning, but they may sting if they feel threatened or if they think their nest and colony is being threatened. A hornet's sting can be dangerous to you, and if you're stung by multiple hornets, it can even be deadly. Read on for tips to get rid of hornets around your home.

1. Leave Them Alone During The Day

If at all possible, leave the hornets alone. Don't get near the nest, especially during daytime hours when they are more active. Hornets are coming and going from their nest constantly throughout the daytime hours, as they are trying to make their nest larger, or they are taking food back to the colony. Either way, leave the hornets alone during daytime hours. This will prevent you from getting stung or injured. 

2. Spray The Nest At Night

Go to the nest at night to kill the hornets and to help get rid of the nest. Go out after dusk to spray the nest. Give it a good dousing of hornet spray, trying to aim into the hole of the nest so you get the spray inside of the nest where the hornets are located. Waiting until after dusk is also important, as there will be more hornets in the nest, as opposed to daytime when they are more active and most likely out of the nest.

3. Get Rid Of The Nest

Getting rid of the nest completely will help prevent other hornets from coming back. If you leave the nest in place, other hornets will eventually make their home in the nest and you'll have the same problem again with a new colony of hornets. To get rid of the nest, use a garden hose with a strong spray. Spray the nest until it falls to the ground. Once it's on the ground, spray it again with hornet spray to ensure you got rid of all of the hornets.

If hornets are ruining your outdoor fun, use the tips above to guide you. Hire a pest control company like All Seasons Pest Control Co to help you to ensure it is done correctly and to help prevent injury.

415 Words

About Me

With Pests, You Have to Stay In Control Most pest infestations can quickly get out of hand if you do not address them. There is a reason people joke about "breeding like mice." You can go from having two mice in your home to having hundreds in a matter of weeks! When you think there are pests inside your home, you need to take control, and quickly. You take control by calling in a pest control professional. They can use a combination of trapping, poisoning, and cleanup methods to eradicate the pests. Learn more about these methods and about other pest control topics on this website, created to educate people like you about the pest control industry.



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