How a Professional Rodent Control Service Can Help You Deal with Those Pesky Squirrels in Your Yard

Squirrels may look cute and harmless, but they can be a nuisance when they invade your yard. Not only do they eat your plants and dig holes in your yard, but they can also cause damage to your home's exterior and chew through electrical wires. Fortunately, there are ways to deal with squirrels and prevent them from causing more damage. 

Inspection and Assessment

The first step in dealing with squirrels is to assess the situation. A professional rodent control service will thoroughly inspect your property to identify the extent of the squirrel infestation. They will also check for potential entry points and assess the damage caused by the squirrels. This information will help them determine the best action to eliminate the squirrels from your yard.

Trapping and Removal

One of the most effective ways to eliminate squirrels is by using traps. A professional rodent control service will set up traps strategically to catch the squirrels and remove them from your yard. They will also use humane traps that won't harm the squirrels, so you can be sure they'll be safely released back into the wild. Once the squirrels are removed, the rodent control service will seal off potential entry points to prevent the squirrels from returning.

Exclusion and Prevention

Preventing squirrels from entering your yard is the best way to avoid future infestations. A professional rodent control service will inspect your property for areas vulnerable to squirrel entry, such as gaps in your roof, damaged eaves, and open vents. They will also install exclusion devices such as screens and mesh to block entry points and prevent squirrels from getting in.

Damage Repair and Restoration

Squirrels can cause significant damage to your property, from chewed electrical wires to holes in your roof. A professional rodent control service can help you repair the damage caused by squirrels and restore your home to its original state. They can also provide advice on how to prevent future damage and protect your property from other pests.

Educational Resources

Finally, a professional rodent control service can provide you with educational resources to help you prevent future squirrel infestations. They can offer advice on keeping your yard free from food sources that attract squirrels, such as bird feeders and fallen fruit. They can also show you how to spot signs of squirrel infestations, such as chew marks on wires and holes in your roof.

Dealing with squirrels in your yard can be a challenging and time-consuming task. That's why hiring a professional rodent control service is important to remove the squirrels and prevent them from causing further damage to your property. They will assess the situation, set up traps, install exclusion devices, and repair the damage caused by squirrels. 

Learn more from a pest control company near you like Patriot Pest Management, Inc

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About Me

With Pests, You Have to Stay In Control Most pest infestations can quickly get out of hand if you do not address them. There is a reason people joke about "breeding like mice." You can go from having two mice in your home to having hundreds in a matter of weeks! When you think there are pests inside your home, you need to take control, and quickly. You take control by calling in a pest control professional. They can use a combination of trapping, poisoning, and cleanup methods to eradicate the pests. Learn more about these methods and about other pest control topics on this website, created to educate people like you about the pest control industry.



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