Three Ways To Find Out How Bugs Are Getting Into Your House

When bugs invade your home, you can use several methods to try to keep them out, and figuring out where they're coming from is a vital part of that process. A pest control specialist can help you both find these entry points and offer a long-term plan to keep them out of your home.

Use Sticky Traps

Sticky traps are useful for preventing bugs from getting too far, but they can also be used to monitor where your bugs are getting in. With multiple traps placed around your home, you can monitor them to see which ends up trapping the most insects.

These traps are best placed near doors, windows, and baseboards set parallel to the wall. Leave them in place for several days at a time, then check them again to see how many bugs are trapped in each. You can move the traps around every few days to further narrow down where your pests are getting in. Remember that many bugs, even large ones, can fit through very small spaces, so consider places like wall sockets or cracks in your baseboards when thinking about places to watch.

Use Bait

For some pests, like ants, bait can help you find entry points by enticing pests to enter your home. Not only will bait end up killing many creatures that make their way inside, but the pests themselves will end up leading you straight to wherever they're coming in.

Bait can often be used in tandem. For example, if you notice many more bugs getting caught in certain sticky traps, you'll already know one of the best places to set a bait that won't cause pests to walk halfway across your house to reach.

The best bait to use will depend on what type of pest you're dealing with, and some pests may not be easily attracted. In many cases, you can also make your own. Traps can make it easier for you to identify what pests you're dealing with and help you choose the best bait.

Call for Professional Assistance

A pest control specialist can offer invaluable assistance when dealing with a persistent bug problem. Your specialist will be familiar with what pests are common in your area, how and where they typically get inside, and how to deal with them. If you haven't had much luck tracking down where bugs are getting in, a professional can help you find the problem area and advise you on how to take care of it.

An exterminator can also help you with a long-term plan for dealing with your pests. Once you've tracked down where your bugs are coming in, it's that much easier to catch them early and often and prevent them from making any headway. With persistent infestations, calling a professional is the best way to ensure your pest issue is wiped out. 

For more info, contact a company like Rat Pack Pest Control, Inc.

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About Me

With Pests, You Have to Stay In Control Most pest infestations can quickly get out of hand if you do not address them. There is a reason people joke about "breeding like mice." You can go from having two mice in your home to having hundreds in a matter of weeks! When you think there are pests inside your home, you need to take control, and quickly. You take control by calling in a pest control professional. They can use a combination of trapping, poisoning, and cleanup methods to eradicate the pests. Learn more about these methods and about other pest control topics on this website, created to educate people like you about the pest control industry.



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